If you’re looking for an inspired speaker for your next event, please call llene at
llene will develop a unique, interactive program for you.
There will be laughter and a few tears as she connects with your group members. Topics include memories, love, weddings, reunions, families, self-esteem, growing up, growing older.
She’ll leave each person with something to think about, talk about, and feel good about.
Partial Speaking Credits
Erma Bombeck Writers Workshop, Ohio
Lower East Side Tenement Museum, NY
Our Lady of the Elms, Ohio
Women’s National Book Assoc., Massachusetts
Jewish Federation, CA
Brandeis Book & Author Luncheon, NJ
National Kidney Foundation, CA
Florida Bookfest & Miami Book Fair
Episcopal Fund Raiser, Texas
Mt. Sinai Hospital Fund Riser, Chicago
New York Historical Association
Raritan Valley Community College, NJ
Book & Author Luncheon, Temporary Lodging for Children, Kansas
American Library Association, New Orleans
Denver Women’s Press Club
[email protected]
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